FourSquare – Why would you use this?

I don’t understand the need for people to share all their information with everyone.  This software will let you let the world know where you are.  Ok, great, but why?  There have been reports now that people are getting their houses/apartments broken in to when people see they are on vacation or away from their place.  This software has now generated a website call Please Rob Me (  This will list people that are no longer in their home location that you set in the application.

The searches below show how this can be used wrongly.

Want to know who goes to the Bank of America at E 4th Street in New York City?

or the Quiznos on Broadway and 12th in New York?

People have been complaining that “Big Brother” is always watching them and their privacy is being invaded.  How can this be when you share everything about your life online?

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