I needed a way to mass install SNMP to the servers in my environment. The problem I was having was Microsoft Windows Server 2003 needing files from the CD. We don’t copy the i386 directory from the CD for two reasons. We store the files on the network and drive space is limit on a lot of servers. The batch script will check if the server is 2003. If it is 2003, it will point the install cd to a network path or a local path. Next it builds the unattended install file. Once the file is written, the system will add the SNMP feature per the unattended file. After SNMP is installed, the registry keys are set for the SNMP community strings. Lastly the script removes the temporary files it created.
Use this script in combination to PSTools’ PSExec and you can mass install. Create a list of systems you want to install this on and call it hosts.txt. Each server needs to be on it’s own line and it is best to use the fully qualified name or IP Address. Copy the hosts.txt and installsnmp.bat file in to your PSTools directory and run the following command:
PsExec.exe @hosts.txt -s -c installsnmp.bat
Download the Install SNMP Batch File, just rename to a .bat file.
@echo off
echo %COMPUTERNAME% Started >> \\server\share\SNMP\SNMPInstall.txt
REM Detect if the system is Windows Server 2003
systeminfo | find "2003" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto 2003
REM Detect if the system is Windows XP
systeminfo | find "XP Pro" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto XPPro
REM If the system is Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or higher,
REM they have the required files built in.
goto SNMP
REM If Windows 2003, set the path to the i386 directory
REM Note: The path needs to be one level above the i386 directory
REM Example: if the path is \\server\share\windows2003\i386\ then
REM the path would be \\server\share\windows2003\
REM Note that the you need both a 32bit and 64bit versions
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup]
echo "SourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\Win2003x64\\"
echo "ServicePackSourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\Win2003x64\\"
) > %temp%\setW2003Path.reg
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup]
echo "SourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\Win2003\\"
echo "ServicePackSourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\Win2003\\"
) > %temp%\setW2003Path.reg
REM Installing the created Registry File
regedit /s /q %temp%\setW2003Path.reg
goto SNMP
REM If Windows XP Professional, set the path to the i386 directory
REM Note: The path needs to be one level above the i386 directory
REM Example: if the path is \\server\share\windowsXP\i386\ then
REM the path would be \\server\share\windowsXP\
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup]
echo "SourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\XPProx64\\"
echo "ServicePackSourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\XPProx64\\"
) > %temp%\setXPProPath.reg
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup]
echo "SourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\XPPro\\"
echo "ServicePackSourcePath"="\\\\server\\share\\Extracted\\XPPro\\"
) > %temp%\setXPProPath.reg
REM Installing the created Registry File
regedit /s /q %temp%\setXPProPath.reg.reg
goto SNMP
REM Building the Unattended Install
echo ;SetupMgrTag
echo [NetOptionalComponents]
echo SNMP=1
echo [SNMP]
echo Any_Host=YES
) > %temp%\snmp.txt
REM Installing the SNMP application with the Unattended Install
sysocmgr /i:%windir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:%temp%\snmp.txt
goto Strings
REM Since 2008 stopped using the sysocmgr.exe to install features, in Vista and higher
REM you need to use the servermanagercmd.exe to add features. A great list of the
REM features and their command line install string is at:
REM http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/datacenter/install-windows-server-2008-features-with-servermanagercmd/294
servermanagercmd.exe -install SNMP-Services
goto Strings
REM Removing the public string
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\SNMP\Parameters\ValidCommunities]
REM Setting the SNMP strings
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\SNMP\Parameters\RFC1156Agent]
echo "sysContact"="Server Administrators"
echo "sysLocation"="Server Room"
echo "sysServices"=dword:0000004f
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\SNMP\Parameters\ValidCommunities]
echo "readonly"=dword:00000004
echo "readwrite"=dword:00000008
) > %temp%\setupsnmp.reg
REM Installing the created Registry File
regedit /s /q %temp%\setupsnmp.reg
REM Cleaning Up
IF EXIST %temp%\setupsnmp.reg del %temp%\setupsnmp.reg
IF EXIST %temp%\setW2003Path.reg del %temp%\setW2003Path.reg
IF EXIST %temp%\setXPProPath.reg.reg del %temp%\setXPProPath.reg.reg
IF EXIST %temp%\snmp.txt del %temp%\snmp.txt
echo %COMPUTERNAME% Complete >> \\server\share\SNMP\SNMPInstall.txt